Adult Nursing Relationships
What is an adult nursing relationship?
An Adult Nursing Relationship (ANR) has become increasingly popular in recent years due to the rise of alternative lifestyles and sexual practices. The woman does not have to lactate, and the man suckles her regularly as part of their intimate relationship. This may or may not involve milk, it may or may not involve sex, it usually involves a loving couple committed to their relationship. While it may seem unconventional, many couples find that an ANR can be incredibly fulfilling both physically and emotionally.
One of the primary benefits of an ANR is the physical closeness and intimacy it provides. When one partner breastfeeds from the other, they are engaging in a deeply connected and sensual act that can create a strong bond between them. Additionally, some people find that the release of oxytocin during breastfeeding can help to reduce stress and promote feelings of relaxation and well-being.
However, it’s important for couples exploring an ANR to approach it in a consensual and safe manner. This means taking steps to ensure that both partners are fully informed about the potential risks and benefits of this type of relationship, as well as communicating openly and honestly with one another about their desires, needs, and boundaries. It’s also crucial to practice good hygiene and use proper breastfeeding techniques in order to prevent any possible health issues or complications.
Here is an excerpt from an article:
ANR is an acronym for adult nursing relationship, two adults in a relationship who engage in adult nursing. The woman may or may not lactate, the man suckles her regularly as part of their intimate relationship. This may or may not involve milk, it may or may not involve sex, it usually involves a loving couple committed to their relationship.
Most couples experience a deep bonding through adult nursing. They may find it difficult to be apart for both physical and emotional reasons. They learn to communicate better and resolve issues faster; often out of necessity. She will be uncomfortable when it’s past their usual nursing time, he will still want to be at her breasts, with or without milk. Differences have to be put aside to join back together even if for practical reasons. Soon things that once seemed like big differences become smaller…
It is also known as couples nursing.
Benefits of ANR
Many benefits of adult nursing parallel those of traditional nursing between mother and child. Breast milk contains high amounts of proteins and antibodies to boost the immune system of the recipient. It also releases the hormone Oxycontin, which aids in reducing the woman’s risk of ovarian and breast cancer. This hormone also helps the uterus and cervix return to a pre-pregnancy state if the woman has recently been pregnant. The act of adult breast feeding also has benefits in the time spent during the nursing process.
Some Concerns
Lactation is much easier when currently or recently pregnant, but not necessary. Sometimes several sessions a day are required to stimulate a strong and consistent flow. There is also a rare risk of mastitis. Other concerns can be found on our Ethical and Spiritual Concerns page.